Jordyn's Journey
This Blog will update family and friends on Jordyn and her health. Aicardi Syndrome is a very complicated and rare disorder, so hopefully, this will help you to better understand it and it's affect on Jordyn. We welcome you to our blog and please, ask us any questions you may have!
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Jordyn's year in review...
To re-cap the past year, she got a feeding tube (G-button), gained a whole lot of much-needed weight, and is Happy and Healthy here at our new home in Buda, TX! In fact, she gained so much weight that it has become more difficult for me to carry her. She has her special SleepSafe bed upstairs in her room, but I like to carry her down to the livingroom to be around the whole family during the day. The thought of not being able to physically lift her and carry her up and down stairs scares me... John will always be able to carry her, but I'll need to figure something out when he's away on business. I better start eating my Wheaties...
Her G-button has proven to be the best decision ever. What used to take HOURS to do, takes only a few minutes. She gets all of her formula, all of her seizure meds, and it leaves more time to play and not worry about it all coming back out again. It has almost been a year since she got the tube and her quality of life has never been better!
Speaking of seizure meds, she is currently only on ONE medicine! There was a point in time she had to be on 6 different meds at a time, including a needle injection in her thigh and an FDA UN-approved medicine, but now she only needs Phenobarbitol. Pheno was her very first medicine when she was 12 days old, and has been the only constant medicine her entire life. It used to not work by itself, but miracles DO happen! She's on a pretty low dose, too, and doesn't get too tired from it. Pheno also happens to be one of the oldest seizure meds to be around, and veterinarians prescribe it to animals, also, haha! Whodathunkit?
Jordyn has tried swimming therapy 2x this past year. The first place was too small of a facility and too crowded, but her PT was a great woman who felt very comfortable with holding Jordyn. The second place was awesome, but the PT was very nervous holding Jordyn. I'm currently trying to figure out how to make it all work out, because Jordyn truly loves being in warm water! The PT has to be a perfect match for her- that is super important. Jordyn's torso/trunk is hypotonic and does not move around much, but her arms and legs are very hypertonic and flail around, so it can be difficult to not only hold her, but make her feel safe in your arms. If only we had a heated pool in the backyard, then I could be her PT and we could swim around all day! :)
Jordyn is 5 now, so that means she is ready for school! She won't be *going* to school, but we will be receiving the school district's help with adaptive learning aides and items beneficial to her senses here at home. I'll be setting that up later this month and will hopefully have more updates for the blog then!
Thanks for reading!
Kristen, John, Jacob, Jordyn, Joslyn, and Jaylee :D
Monday, August 31, 2009
Surgery in Sept., Make-A-Wish in Oct.!
Jordyn's doctors and I have agreed that it is time for her to get a G-button ("feeding tube"). We have dodged this procedure a few times, but it now is the time to give-in and have it done. Not only will it allow her to get all of her food, water, and medicine in, it will limit her gag reflexes and make it 100% easier for people to watch her. Currently, someone has to be in the same room as her at all times in case she vomits. She will have the Nissen fundoplication, which creates a wrap of stomach tissue around the lower esophageal sphincter to prevent the refluxing of stomach contents into esophagus. In other words, NO MORE vomiting!! It's a very common procedure with little risk and the prognosis is almost always good! It will be a relief for Jordyn as well as everyone else here. I am very excited! She shouldn't have to endure the feeding problems she has been having. The procedure will be done on September 14th at Dell Children's Hospital and she'll be there for about 3-5 days for recovery.
October 24th is Jordyn's new Make-A-Wish date. It was pushed back when her surgery was scheduled for September. Her wish is a large flat-screen TV with all the bells and whistles. We're hanging it on the wall (fireplace, actually) so she can watch TV from her special bed. They are doing the Reveal event at our home, then there's a party to follow at GattiTown in Southpark Meadows, from 2-4pm. Anyone is welcome to come, but they are only covering a few people so you will have to pay regular buffet prices. I'd love for people to come celebrate with us!
Jordyn is also doing Water Therapy every week to help strengthen her neck muscles. She is holding up her head a lot better now! She loves to swim, and the water's resistance really makes it a more challenging workout. The facility is an hour away from us, so we're thinking about moving to Round Rock to be closer so we can make it 2x a week.
I'll try to keep everyone updated, especially during her surgery. The rest of our brood is doing great- Jaylee is 9 months old and pleasantly plump, lol. Joslyn is 26 months and blows us away with her long, complete sentences and her ability to count to 20, sing the alphabet, and sing to Black Eyed Peas and Katy Perry, haha! She loves music, go figure. John is doing great with his bands! A lot of things are happening and we'll share the great news once everything is settled!
I'm sure there's more to include with this update, but I got the 2 major pieces of news down. As always, I hope this blog update finds everyone well! Have a great Labor Day weekend and be safe!!
Kristen, John, Jordyn, Joslyn, and Jaylee
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Seven Months Since My Last Update...
She received her special SleepSafe bed with hydraulics and memory foam mattress last month and has been LOVING it! It'll be her bed forever. :) She also got a Bath Chair System that rolls up to the shower and slides into the tub. She is getting so tall and heavy, so I really needed this for her. Last week, she received a beautiful Stroller. Her wheelchair is great, but it takes time and strength to put it together/take apart in the parking lot. The stroller easily folds up and has tons of body support for Jordyn.
Disney World Update: Since we first enrolled in Make-a-Wish in May '08, Jordyn has developed weaker bone structure and muscles. As she gets taller, it becomes more difficult for her to sit up for long periods of time. Whether in her new stroller or in her wheelchair, sitting up at any angle makes her muscles strain since her body is used to being in a horizontal position. We sit her up a lot during the day, but we all fear that the trip may do more harm than good with the length of time she would be sitting up. The extra strain on her body could open the threshold for seizures. One of her therapists mentioned that we should switch her wish to something that could benefit her senses here at home where she feels safe. Her new bed is great, but the footboard limits her vision to her videos. So, we have switched her wish to a huge flat screen TV positioned high so she can see it from any angle in her bed! Right now, she can hear the regular TV but cant see diddly except for a bare boring ceiling. NO visual stimulation. I told MAW that the new TV would have to be big enough to where she can view it easily from her bed. What I like best is that her sisters will always want to be in Jordyn's room with her because of the cool flat screen! She loves watching her baby sisters. :) We hope to get it in the next couple of months. The personal donations we have received have been greatly appreciated and will be used to purchase more adaptive toys and even an indoor swing for her! I am constantly trying to expand her limitations and let her "play" like her sisters do, but in her own unique way. I am also looking into Aquatic Therapy, since she is unable to go to a community pool. If anyone has any info on the subject, please email me!
The family is all doing well, too. Joslyn is 2 now and is talking up a storm in complete sentences. My dad came by and did one of her puzzles for her and she claps and said "YAY! Good Job!!" to him, haha! We hope to enroll her in a dance class after she is fully potty trained. She sees Jaylee in diapers and has reverted back into baby-mode.
Jaylee is 7 months old and is a whopping 25.5 lbs. She is the size of an average 18 month old, but at a normal height for her age. Her doc says she isn't "overweight", but to limit her formula intake. That makes Jaylee an angry roly-poly! She'll thin out like her sisters did once she starts crawling and walking.
Jacob is here for the summer and is enjoying playing with his crazy sisters. He has developed a deep love for Yo Gabba Gabba, only to point out plot defects, set mistakes, and character flaws. He is convinced there is a secret relationship between Foofa and Muno. Just now, he pointed out to me how one of the cartoon's on the show had a man with a lime for a head. I never noticed it before! The show has gone from an innocent kids show to a complete soap opera and we find ourselves singing the catchy songs all day. He is so much fun and so smart! Joslyn just loves the show for obvious reasons.
John has started managing the Dallas Cowboy's heavy metal band Free Reign. They have received TONS of press and were featured in Sports Illustrated, ESPN, and CNN. Just Google them and thousands of stories will pop up! John got them a world-wide record deal with RIOT! Entertainment within weeks of discovering them and is working 18 hour days to keep the ball rolling. Football season starts this month, so he has the next few seasons to line up some major shows and appearances for early next year. He started his own management company called Silver Tongue Management. Hopefully things will all go well and John can finally be compensated for all the hard work he has done over the years! It's time.
Although No News is Good News, I will try to do more consistent Jordyn updates, now that Jaylee is getting more independent and I have a bit more free-time.
We hope everyone had a great, safe 4th of July and that everyone is doing well.
Thanks for reading!
Kristen and family

Friday, January 02, 2009
Off to a GREAT Start- 2009!
She had weathered so much in 2008 with her fractured femur, teeth grinding, skin rash, gastritis issues, diet change (due to her gag reflexes), and ongoing food allergies; but has come out on top like a champ! She has healed up nicely, had a new "grill" put in, and we have been taking care of her newly diagnosed Eczema. Her diet change has helped her gain 3 pounds in the last 4 months and she was put on a better GERD medicine.
She's Itch-free, Grind-free, Fracture-free, Acid-free, and FAT! :) And most importantly, SEIZURE-FREE!!! It's the most unusual (and awesome) thing- even if she misses half a dose of her medicine lately (due to falling asleep early, etc), she still doesn't have any signs of spasms or seizures. It's not too unusual for kiddos to grow-out of epilepsy, but we can't make that assumption towards her unique case until we do another EEG. I'm making arrangements with her Neurologist to see about her recent brain activity to see if there are improvements in that area. Just out of sheer curiosity.
She's also smiling a lot more, tracking well, and her head-control has gotten stronger. She is enjoying having her new baby sister around and still, of course, loves Joslyn playing with her and loves receiving her kisses.
We are still planning on a fun-filled trip to Disney World this year, compliments of Make-A-Wish Foundation. We may wait until October to go once Jaylee is a bit older for travel. I'll keep everyone updated on those plans as they unfold!
Other Family News:
*Jaylee Rain was born December 1st, happy and healthy! She is now a month old and is filling out quite nicely. She has begun holding up her head and Joslyn calls her "Kiss-Kiss". :)
*John's mom, Annie, will be living with us soon, and we are so thankful! She is a huge help with the girls, especially Joslyn. They are complete BFF's! Joslyn follows her around everywhere and even calls her "Ma-ma". Bad news for me being her real Ma-ma, lol, but the two of them are so cute to watch together. They almost have their own secret language! :) Annie is a blessing to have around the house full-time.
*Jacob is doing great in school and has a lot of fun with his little sisters. He is such a smart and witty kid! He is a huge help with the babies and loves making his famous Smoothies every time he visits. I swear, he's 10 and a half going on 20!
*Joslyn has been having some issues with her bowels, but we think we have figured it out. I held off her sphincterotomy (surgery) plans set for next week because I may have figured out what has been wrong with her "Making #2" problems... she may have an intolerance to the milk enzyme Casein. Jordyn went through the same thing- couldn't even have Lactose-Free or Soy. Whatever she ingested had to be completely free of Casein (often listed as sodium caseinate, calcium caseinate or milk protein). We're knee-deep in troubleshooting Joslyn's issue so that she doesn't have to go through any unnecessary surgeries or painful procedures.
*John and I are doing great! We're enjoying each other's company while work is slow and love playing with our funny children. We are planning a special trip (Belated Honeymoon, if you will) to Vegas this year. We deserve it! :)
Thanks for reading! Love you all! Click the title above to see more pictures via my Myspace page!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Jordyn's Fundraiser Was A SUCCESS!!

I was there for a couple of hours to do a radio interview with Majic 95.5 at their Live Remote tent and took some pictures for Austin Monthly who is publishing the story for their October issue. I had also done an interview for MIX 94.7 during the prior week, which I will try to attach a clip to this blog. It was great being able to tell Jordyn's story and educate listeners on her rare syndrome. I got to introduce myself to those in line and thank them for their help with the Fundraiser. Even though the cookies themselves are well worth the long wait, the fact that their purchase went to my daughter's Wish made it well worth it for some.
I wish Jordyn was able to go to her own Benefit, but she is still healing and has a couple of more weeks to go in her cast. The doctors say her femur is mending up well. :) Her rash is also healing and we hope to see her big beautiful smile again soon as she's feeling better!
The folks at Tiff's Treats were so wonderful and we are so very grateful that they personally chose Jordyn to sponsor her wish to go to Disney World next year! A personal Thank You to Tiffany and Leon for their graciousness! The Make-A-Wish Foundation worked very hard to help put this whole thing together and not only did the Fundraiser make enough money to send us to Disney, but they made enough to help another Wish Kid with their wish!

Make-A-Wish is funding our trip next March as far as travel, lodging, and admission, but there is still room for personal donations. John and I have opened a savings account in Jordyn's name for donations to go towards expenditures in this trip Not covered (a week away from work, luggage for 6 people, special cases for Jordyn's foods, ect). Quite a few of you have already asked me if there was another way to donate, so I made it a bit easier by using

You can make a donation in any amount, and every little bit helps. You can print out the receipt for tax purposes afterwards. We've never gone on a week-long trip with a pre-teen, 2 toddlers and an infant before, so I don't know what to expect financially! LOL All I know is Jordyn and the kids will LOVE going to Disney and staying at the Disney Lodge that was specifically made for Wish Kids. They cater to these kids so well during their visits, so I'm just so excited for Jordyn!!
Thank you to all who made an appearance, waited in line, and/or made donations to the Make-A-Wish Foundation! I will update everyone on the trip details as they come, as well as Jordyn's health and any other Gomez Newz! :)
We hope everyone stays safe during these storms and hurricanes. God Bless!
Kristen, John, Jordyn, Joslyn, Jacob, and Baby J (due in early December)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Bad News and Great News!!
We have some bad news and some great news, so I’ll go ahead and get the bad out first. A couple of weeks ago, I took Jordyn in to her pediatrician to get a skin rash treated. While we were there the nurse wanted to take Jordyn’s height and weight even though it hadn’t been that long ago that we already done it. But, I lifted Jordyn onto the table to take her height measurements on this wood and Plexiglas contraption used for babies. While I was positioning her head on one end, the nurse proceeded to use excessive force on her right leg to straighten it out as much as she could and then bent her foot into a 90 degree angle. Jordyn doesn’t walk, so not only are her tendons super tight but her bones are not as strong as other 3 year olds. I told the nurse twice that her foot doesn’t bend that way and that we need to stop- Jordyn at this point was crying and shrieking in pain. She usually gets mad, though, when we do her physical therapy because she hates to stretch out her joints so I didn’t think too much about it- the nurse “knew what she was doing”. We went on with the appointment.
Later that night, Jordyn woke up crying again and for those who personally know her knows she Never cries. High Tolerance to Pain is one trait of Aicardi Syndrome, so she is rarely ever fussy. She’d scream if you touched her leg. At first, we thought that it was a mixture of her Achilles’ Tendon being sore and her rash making her mad, so first thing the next morning I called her same pediatrician and told him we needed to get her on some pain pills because of what the nurse had done to her.
Over the weekend she got worse. I took her in to the ER and to my surprise the nurse had used so much excessive force, she had managed to cause a Buckle Fracture in Jordyn’s femur bone. This seemed odd to the doctors there since kids only get those kinds of fractures from hard falls and sporting accidents. The Orthopedic doctor confirmed to them that children with similar disabilities like Jordyn’s have weaker bone mass due to not walking and that it happens. After 14 hours in the ER, the ambulance took us back home cast and Codeine intact.
That wasn’t the end, though- she’d still shriek when you’d even move her an inch. Jordyn’s usual day consists of us repositioning her a bunch of times, from her chair to the floor to the couch, etc. But now she was confined to one position on her back on the couch. Since the poor angel can’t talk we have to constantly figure things out, but we couldn’t figure out why the Tylenol with Codeine wasn’t working one bit. So another long visit to the ER, more X-Rays, and a change to Vicodin, we were sent home again only to have her screaming again. She is allergic to Citric Acid which is in EVERYTHING, so I was on the phone with pharmacists, doctors, and Pharmaceutical companies trying to get to the bottom of her constant discomfort. We couldn’t find anything in the ingredients that would upset her.
Then John, bless his heart, figured out that the pain meds were probably doing more bad to her tummy than good to her leg, so we quit the Vicodin and just had her on Tylenol and Motrin. It was night and day! Jordyn to this day is doing great and seems to be in a lot less pain. We’re keeping her as comfortable as possible and trying to get her to keep her casted leg still. Her injured leg echoes, or mimics, her stronger left one so she’s trying to move it around inside the cast involuntarily and I’m sure that won’t help the healing process any faster but we are keeping an eye on it. She still has the rash. :(
Now for the great news! About a year ago I had contacted Make-A-Wish Foundation to enter Jordyn in for a trip to Disney World. Not only were we accepted to go in Spring of ’09, but a cookie delivery company called Tiff’s Treats has teamed up with Make-A-Wish to have Jordyn their Honored Guest at their store’s Grand Opening in North Austin! All proceeds from this fundraiser go to Jordyn’s Wish and we couldn’t be more thankful! Here are the details from Tiff’s Treats Website:
Grand Opening Charity Event!
When: Saturday Sept. 6th 9:00am-5:00pm
Benefiting: Make-A-Wish Foundation® of Central & South Texas
Where: New North Austin Store at 11011 Research Blvd
What: In honor of our 2nd Austin location, we will be selling cookies for $2/dozen! All proceeds go to Make-A-Wish®. Tiff's Treats will match all cookie sales from this event as a donation to Make-A-Wish® (up to $5000).
Fun Stuff: We will insert prizes into random boxes of cookies, so every purchase you make gives you a great chance to win an awesome gift card or prize!
Cookie sales on this day are CASH ONLY. No need to call ahead, just stop by and we will have warm boxes of 1 dozen cookies for immediate purchase. Flavor choices will be limited.
*Normally, we require 30 minutes notice for a pick up order to be baked
* We are raising funds to send Jordyn, a 3 year old girl from Austin with Aicardi Syndrome, and her whole family to Disney World .
Event is only happening at the North Austin location and will replace normal ordering procedures and options. Our Central Austin location will be open for regular business.
Jordyn won’t be able to make it since she’s in her cast, but I will be there and would love for anyone in the area to stop by and buy some cookies to help fund the trip!

Kristen and John
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Update on the last 4 months!
We are in the hectic process of moving into a bigger place, which will mean more room for not only Jordyn's medical equipment, but also another little Gomez! Yes, for those of you who don't know yet, we are expecting another kiddo due in December! Jordyn will have 2 little rugrats pulling at her pants and gnawing on her toes! :) We are very excited and very tired at the thought of having ONE more. :)
Jordyn was to start preschool this summer, but we decided to wait another year. We heard two unrelated cases of neglect with two girls with Aicardi Syndrome and it turned us completely off about the idea of Jordyn being in the care of someone not close to us. One little girl fell in the pool while her sitter was asleep on the couch (she is doing better, but has brain damage and constant infections) and the other young lady fell off the high changing table at her school and hit her head and body on her wheelchair on the way down and received bad bruises and fractures. Jordyn doesn't need preschool right now, but she will get therapy and schooling lessons right here at home with me, where she's safe.
Jordyn is finally caught up with the rest of her age group concerning height and weight. She's always been a bit short and skinny. She's eating well and is as tall as most almost-3 year olds. The only issue we've been having is her teeth. Her dentist has passed the reigns to another group of dentists who have access to Dell Children's Hospital where Jordyn needs her teeth fixed. She needs a lot of work with her teeth and there are only a handful of dentists who will take on a case like hers, with her under anesthesia. Once she's about 3 and a half, she'll be able to get her cavities filled and her teeth thoroughly cleaned. Between the Syndrome and her meds, her teeth have gone through a lot of stress.
I will post up/email more pictures shortly, along with updates on the newest Gomez (a boy this time maybe?) John's son Jacob would LOVE that! :)
Have a great Cinco de Mayo (our 4 year anniversary!) and Mother's Day!
God Bless,
Kristen, John, Jordyn, and Joslyn
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Great Start for the New Year!
Jordyn is not only seizure-free, but she is free from the constant discomfort she has had to endure the past couple of months. First, she had really bad acid reflux so I did some Google-ing and diagnosed her with GERD and Asophogitis. A trip to the GI doctor confirmed this, so we started her on Pepcid. After that, she started doing her squirming-moaning-something's-wrong movements and after a few phonecalls to the pharmacy and drug reps, I found out that the main inactive ingredient in her Pepcid is Citric Acid. Jordyn has a major intolerance to Citric Acid, even a mililiter of it. So after switching to the pill form of Pepcid, she is feeling better.
We also started her on a low dose of Miralax to ease her constipation. Most Aicardi girls have bad constipation, so this will put her at ease. That's all I want- for Jordyn to be comfortable.
Now that she is happy, she is smiling more! She is in my lap smiling up at me right now even. :)
Joslyn has really brought Jordyn out of her shell. Jordyn is more vocal, she focuses on people more, and she even started crying the other day. She hasn't cried for over a year (except for the dentist visit when she bit down on her lip). At first I was terrified that something was really hurting her, but I sat next to her and she fell asleep as if that's all she wanted was that extra bit of attention. Joslyn must have taught her that. :) She hasn't done it but that one day, so I don't know if it will continue but I hope it does so I will finally get a clue from her that she wants or needs something. It's tough sometimes to try to figure it out on my own without any help, so I don't mind at all if she becomes a cryer! :)
We all had a great holiday break. Now that everyone's back to work I hope that I will hear an update on that new indoor seat I ordered for Jordyn. She really needs that extra back and neck support as she gets older and Taller.
John bought me a huge Ford Expedition so it's much easier to transport the wheelchair and double stroller and all of the girl's "luggage". Us gals have a lot to lug when we leave the house!
I will be looking into special pre-school programs for Jordyn soon, so wish me luck! She "starts school" in June. I've got a lot of work in front of me, trying to find the right one for her and figuring out how we're going to be able to "let go". EEK.
Happy New Year! God Bless!
Kristen, John, Jordyn, and Joslyn
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Belated Jordyn Update!
Everything around here has been pretty calm and even-keeled, considering how busy we always are here. Jordyn is still seizure-free! In November, it will be a whole year since we started her on the Depakene-Phenobarb-Zonegran cocktail, so I'm thinking about throwing a little party in her honor during that month. I'll keep you posted.
This will be a busy month for her (and me!) I'm trying to order her a new indoor-chair. Those of you who have been over, you know she has been sitting in a high-chair that raises and lowers, and you also know how much she has grown out of it. I got in touch with Adorna Mobility to have them come by and take measurements for the new chair that is actually made for special-needs kiddos. That way, Joslyn can use the high-chair soon and Jordyn will be nice and comfortably supported in the new one.
I'm also wanting to order a stroller made for special-needs as well. Her wheelchair we have is nice, but it is still a little too clunky and difficult to lug around to each and every place. A special-needs stroller will be more convenient. We have a regular umbrella stroller for her, but she just slides right out of it since she has no support for her low-tone.
I'll know more about what we'll be ordering by the end of this month. She also has a few check-ups and therapy visits all month. Whew!!
Jordyn got her front tooth fixed. She had chipped it from a really bad seizure a year ago, and no dentist wanted to take her on as a patient. I found a really good dentist who has had a lot of experience with disabled kiddo's, and he patched her right up. Her smile is even more beautiful now! :D She still grinds her teeth, but not as much. We think it was from her molars coming in. Now, she just moans and whines a lot, especially when she first wakes up. We're still trying to de-code it. I hate not knowing her cues. It could be teeth pain, tummy pain, gas, who knows. But we're working on it. At least she's not having seizures. We can get through random whining and moaning.
We recently made a trip down to Corpus Christi to see John's son Jacob and Granny Annie. It was Joslyn's first long car ride, but she did pretty well. I'm attaching some sibling pics below.
Hope everyone had a great couple of months!
New readers of Jordyn's Journey, please read the first few posts to get an idea of how far little Jordyn has come!
We love you all!
Kristen, John, Jordyn, and Trouble :)
Monday, July 23, 2007
Update for July!
We have noticed a few changes in Jordyn since we brought Joslyn home. She LOVES the sounds of a baby around her. Even when Jos cries (which is pretty constant these days), Jordyn has a smile on her face and gets real still, as if she's studying the new sound. The other changes aren't as cute- she has developed Bruxism (TEETH GRINDING). It has been so frustrating! The sound of her little teeth grinding together is deafening- and worse than Joslyn's crying. Apparantly, teeth grinding is common in Aicardi girls and there's no cure for it- they just grow out of it when they are about 5. OK-3 years to go, I guess...
Jordyn also whimpers now. We don't know really why she does this, but it really makes me feel guilty because I'm already trying to juggle the two of them and trying to spend equal amounts of time with each of them, and when Jordyn whimpers while I'm nursing Joslyn, it breaks my heart because I can't pick her up and play at the same time. She has also been arching her back a lot, like she wants to just get up and run around, but she can't. We move her from her chair to the couch to laying flat on the floor, but she still acts like she is uncomfortable. She is 2 years old, and is simply growing up and growing out of the current positions, toys, and day-to-day activities and we need to figure out new things for her. It's just bad timing for mommy, lol.
Her physical therapist has mentioned starting Jordyn on a program with an Infant Massage Therapist and I am all for it! She needs those muscles and bones worked out more. Hopefully, that will start in August.
With all these new issues springing up on us, we are still greatly thankful that she is still SEIZURE-FREE!! I can deal with the teeth grinding and the whimpers, knowing things could (and have been) be a lot worse!
Thank you again to everyone who came to the ever-so-active Baby Shower- Birthday Party in June. It turned out to be a great time for us, and we appreciate all the wonderful gifts. It's safe to say that every June will involve a Dual Birthday Party for these 2 munchkins.
Take care, and God Bless!
Kristen, John, Jordyn, and Joslyn!!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Almost 2 Years Old! And Seizure-Free!
In other family news, I have about 5 more weeks to go until Joslyn is here! She is super healthy and everything looks great with everything. I have had enough ultrasounds and tests done to live out the rest of this stretch in peace. She has the hiccups a few times a day, which at first alarmed me because I thought they were too closely resembled to seizure activity. But, after a weekend of assessing what was going on, and after non-stress tests at the hospital showed no abnormal activity, I realized they were, in fact, hiccups and they were, in fact, completely normal.
John's son Jacob will be visiting us for the entire summer until after Joslyn is born, so we will have a busy house! He's a great kid and will love playing with Jordyn again and being around when his littlest sister is born.
That's about all, I'm glad to say! We are still working on getting a Wheelchair-Accessible van, but for now other things are first on our list of things to think about. I'll tackle that venture again soon.
We love you all- Hope your Memorial Day weekend was fun!
Kristen, John, Jordyn, and Joslyn (due July 6th)
Monday, April 09, 2007
March/April Update!
Still NO SEIZURES!! Jordyn has been doing so wonderful the past few months. John and I have been enjoying her personality shining through, and just being able to see her smile. She has the sweetest, most genuine smile- it's such a blessing to see such an angelic vision when she smiles. She'll just spontaneously grin, without being tickled or provoked. She wakes up with a huge toothy grin and she'll keep smiling when you smile and laugh back at her. We love being able to capture these moments and share them with everyone. :) Other news with the family- I am officially in my 3rd trimester, with about 12 more weeks to go! We have decided to name the baby Joslyn Dae Gomez. My mom is throwing my baby shower along with Jordyn's Birthday party on June 10 in Kyle. I'll start sending out the invitations by email soon, hopefully by the end of this month. John and I still plan on walking that plank and getting married, but it may have to wait a little longer than expected, because we are saving up to purchase a Wheelchair-Accessible Van to accomodate Jordyn's wheelchair. As she gets bigger and taller, it gets even harder to lift her in and out of the chair, and hoist the chair into the SUV. I am looking into organizations who could help wth funding, but they are pretty swamped with requests. Insurance covers the actual conversion ramp, once you buy in full the van, but there's a 7 year waiting list, I'm told. I'll still look into it, but we may just have to buy a low van and make do with what we've got. It would just be a huge convenience for us to have the ramp and such, especially with little Joslyn coming soon. I'm glad I was able to send out this happy update this month, and I hope to send out many more, many months to come! Kristen, John, and Jordyn!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Another Late Update, But a Great Month Again!
She is still swallowing her medicine down like a big girl, and has been getting more powerful physical therapy to try to help her sit up and hold up her head more consistently. A huge percentage of Aicardi girls start doing those two milestones at 1 and a half years old, so Jordyn is a wee bit behind and we're still hoping to have her sitting up by her 2nd birthday in June.
Another bit of good news... Jordyn will have a little SISTER! I am pregnant with a healthy little girl. My doctors did a lot of ultrasounds and tests and concluded that the baby has a fully developed head/brain, and a healthy heart, and everything looks great so far! :)
I will let you know of any further updates, but let's hope and pray everything stays at this steady pace and we can have another uneventful month!
Take care, everyone- Love you all!
Kristen, John, and Jordyn (and the baby girl peanut!)
Monday, January 22, 2007
Belated Update
Jordyn has been doing well except for a 3 week period late last month where she was staying up real late being fussy and squirming around like she was extremely uncomfortable. Her muscle tone is very floppy, but she is Strong! She'd squirm right off your lap if you're not careful. After doing the usual Processes of Elimination, John and I finally came to a theory that proved to be right: Too much acid was rolling around in her belly. We've known for a long time now that she can't have too much citric acid, so we've stayed away from large amounts of that. What we didn't realize was her Depekene had another name: Valproic Acid. Since she's been on Depekene, she has been a tad more fussy until recently when she started flipping out after drinking juice or eating her Gerber stage 3 fruity foods. So now we give her Mylanta throughout the day and she's fine to have all the fruits and juice she wants. So, we don't have to take her off the wonderful, good-tasting, syrupy Depakene. :)
One more great piece of news- Jordyn has learned to swallow her other 2 seizure meds whole! We don't have to crush them up anymore and *pray* she won't puke them up! Now, I hide the whole (small) pill in a spoonful of her food and she swallows it like nothing. there's a total of 8 pills a day, so you can imagine our relief.
So, she's acid-free, puke-free, and more importantly, SEIZURE-FREE!
A great start to 2007!
So great, that we are postponing her brain surgery evaluation appointment until the end of the year.
Take care, everyone!
Kristen, John, and Jordyn (19 months old)
(oh, and the Peanut- 4 months in utero)
Saturday, December 09, 2006
The Best Month in '06!
On another note, for those who don't already know, John and I are expecting another kiddo in July! I am a couple of months pregnant now and VERY excited! Of course, we are also very nervous. My OBGYN doc is great and takes my worries seriously. I will be doing a series of tests just to make sure the baby is healthy and fine. Of course, if we had done the same tests with Jordyn, Aicardi Syndrome wouldn't have shown up in a million years due to it's crazy rarity (word?) but this time, we just want to be more prepared. The odds are on my side with this one and I just pray to God every day to bless Jordyn with a happy, healthy little brother or sister to play with and help her flourish.
Although Jordyn is doing well with her seizure-control, I still went ahead and scheduled her for an evaluation in January to see if she'd be a candidate for surgery. It's January 22-24 in Dallas, and the only test they'll be running that I know of is just a 48-hour EEG. She's had tons of these EEG's, but this one will be super-long and the neurologist there will determine if the seizures start and stay in that left-hand side of her brain. If they meander to the right side, than surgery's a No-Go. We'll see.
So, Jordyn's doing great and I'm pregnant! Big news!
I hope this finds everyone well also, and we wish everyone a very safe and happy Holiday season!
Kristen, John, and Jordyn
Friday, November 03, 2006
Next Step, Brain Surgery...
We would have not paid a few other bills and called Canada for one more box had we known the extent of Jordyn's withdrawal seizures from the rapid wean we did:
On Monday, October 16th, John called me at work and told me to get home because Jordyn was having very strange, continuous seizures where her mouth and hands were twitching and she had excessive drooling. I raced home and called an ambulance. No seizure has ever been this scary. Usually, we'd give her a rectal medicine that stopped seizures quick, but it hadn't worked. The team came and we flew to the Children's Hospital where they tried 3 times to get this seizure spell stopped. After an hour, Jordyn finally fell asleep and her little hands stopped twitching. They kept her in the ICU for a night to monitor her close since she's never had a seizure this long. She was doing better, so the next couple of nights we were in a regular room. Both the doctor and John said it wasn't our fault that she was doing so badly, and that she could've had these bad seizures for any reason, but I still feel horrible.
We started her on a drug called Lamictal to be paired up with the Phenobarb and Zonegran so hopefully it will kick in and help. Lamictal cannot be given to her in large amounts yet, or she'll have a bad skin rash reaction, so we'll have to slowly increase it week by week until it's at it's full potential.
We hate these stupid drugs!! She's been having some subtle spasms where her right arm will raise up and her neck will tighten. I gave her some meds that the hospital uses, but they just won't go away until I give her a large enough amount to make her so drowsy that she'll fall asleep.
I have been trying to get things in order for her Brain Surgery Evaluation in Dallas. They will keep her for a few nights and run all sorts of tests to see if she's eligible for the surgery.(Called a Temporal Lobectomy) If their tests show that the seizures are started only on the left side of her brain, then she'll be a good candidate. If not, then back to the drawing board.
Aside from having to deal with different Dallas Hospital people on the phone, trying to schedule this evaluation, (The doctor is doing the evaluation even though they don't take Jordyn's insurance, and every one I've talked to keeps trying to blow me off because they don't know about her case) we are also trying to figure out how we are going to be able to afford this trip with our part-time schedules. Missing work, gas to and from, food... that's about $400 that is not in our beloved little budget.
I'm trying not to worry about it so much, but I may have to host a very chilly "Aicardi Car Wash" (any helpers? lol) or something soon and try to raise the funds.
I just hope that Jordyn is a good candidate so we can stop the meds and start working full force on her development and just Jordyn herself. She is such a happy kid when she's not "drugged" up. We may start the Ketogenic Diet again, but I want to make sure that we get the right info on what to do the second time around.
So, right now we are trying to organize this Dallas trip while also seeing how this new Lamictal drug is going to work with her other two meds. I'm sorry I didn't make this long story short, but I've been just so full of emotion. It feels so good to "get it all out" and share this with you, my family and friends. Thank you everyone for reading her updates and being such wonderful people! We love you all.
John, and Jordyn
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
So Far, So BAD!!
Not only that, but with all the vomiting she hasn't been getting the full effect of her seizure medicines. It's the medicines that have been controlling her seizures this whole time, not the diet. She hasn't even had ANY ketones since the 3rd day into the diet. And THAT was only because she wasn't eating well because of all the vomiting. {grrr}
Pot holes in the plan. But that doesn't mean it's botched. It just means we'll start over with more knowledge on what to expect. For now, though, John and I have decided to take a break and let Jordyn have her regular formula and Gerber foods and get well. The only foods that were "coating" her tummy were Micro-Lipids and tiny amounts of beef and applejuice, so this break is necessary for her to regain her strength and give her belly a break. When I told her Neurologist about our decision to take her off the diet for a while, he replied "You have been right about everything so far, so I trust your decision". I loved hearing that, of course! :)
There's a chance that even though she wasn't in ketosis, the modified diet could have still had an affect on her seizures. She hasn't had any since we put her back on Phenobarb, but there's always a "Honeymoon Period" where the great no-seizure time wears off. If she starts having seizures again, we'll start the diet again. If they don't stop still, then the Honeymoon Period was in full effect, and the diet doesn't work for Jordyn.
At least then, we'll be able to have a smoother start with the diet now that we know where all those pot holes are. :) I have high hopes for it still.
We started her back on Nutramigen formula and baby foods on the 9th, so we'll see what happens next. Hopefully, the medicine concoction (Phenobarb, Zonegran, and Vigabatrin) prevails... I'm still working out the kinks in Plan B, which is surgery Just in Case.
Thanks for reading!
Happy 30th Wedding Anniversary to Debbie and Terry Kuns
Happy Birthday to Annie Gomez!
Both special days were on October 8th.
Kristen, John, and Jordyn (16 months old)
Saturday, September 16, 2006
So far, so good! :: Ketogenic Diet
We got back from the hospital late Friday afternoon. It was an extremely long and tiring week! The process of starting Jordyn on the Ketogenic Diet on Monday should have been a fairly easy transition, but the first 2 days were horrible. It turns out that she is allergic to not only Soy products, but Milk products, too. For a whole month prior to the diet, I tested her allergies to milk, and she didn't show any signs of sickness, so this was a tiny surprise to me. The main menu item on her diet was a formula that is soy-based and cream. After the first evening of gulping down the two ingredients, she was not happy to say the least. She had terrible tummy problems ( I don't want to elaborate on them too much- just know they were BAD) and her seizures came back full force. She wouldn't take down her medicine, and her blood sugar levels were extremely low. John and I were very scared and we didn't know what to do with ourselves. It was very hard to see her so miserable and not be able to do anything about it.
By the end of the 3rd day, she had the color back in her face and she was eating well. What we did was take the soy and milk completely out of the equation. It wasn't necesary to have the formula anyway- it was just going to be a little bit easier to have it around for trips and late-night feedings.
We were discharged on Friday with a clean bill of health. Jordyn is loving her diet which consists of meals like Gerber Beef & Gravy, Gerber Pears, and Micro-Lipids (a fat solution that takes the place of cream) and other fun foods like diet Kool-Aid and avacados. Everything has to be weighed to the tenth of a gram and served at specific times of the day, but I've got the hang of it. It's not a hard diet, but it is tedious.
Jordyn has not had any seizures or spasms, and has actually seemed to be in a better mood. She'll track objects a little longer and she'll even look straight into your eyes for more than a few seconds. The doctor says we can start weaning her off of her seizure medicines within the next few weeks! I know her sweet, smiling face will emerge shortly after that begins!
We still have to check her blood sugar levels here at the house with a One-Touch Ultra, and we check her Ketone (the body's natural enzyme that will let us know she's still ketonic) levels to make sure they are good and high.
All in all, after the first couple of days, this diet is going really well! I will post another update in a few weeks and I will let you know.
Kristen, John, and Jordyn
Friday, August 11, 2006
Ketogenic Diet - next treatment!
When children have hard-to-manage seizures, the next mainstream step to take after medicines have failed is Brain Surgery. We were going to go that route until John and I saw something so interesting on TV late one night.
We saw a little boy having a Grand Mal seizure on a movie while flipping channels. Those are the kind that throw your body into harsh jerks (also called Drop Seizures). The boy tried every medicine available at that time to no prevail. Then the mom (played by Meryl Streep) went to the library (pre-internet era LOL) and schooled herself on this special diet that had been around for decades, made specifically for seizures. (The movie is called First, Do No Harm)... The doc's didn't want them to try this treatment because "Gee, no money to the hospital OR medicine companies" But she took her son to Johns-Hopkins Hospital where they first did the diet and lo and behold, the seizures shortly STOPPED and the medicines were STOPPED.
The Ketogenic Diet involves foods and liquids that are high in FAT, low in proteins and carbs. Jodyn will ingest about 4x as many fat grams as protein and carbs combined. She won't gain weight because her body will use that fat and not store it. Her body will produce little enzymes called Ketones that we'll check everyday that let us know her levels of glucose and such are normal. One tiny mistake on this diet could throw everything off and EVERYTHING has to be measured on a gram scale to the tenth decimal place, and EVERYTING has to be strict as far as what kind of food, at what gram, and what time of day. WHEW! (we've been through more tedious things... )
Here's the incredible part, though- She will only be on the diet for 2 years, then if the diet has shown great improvement, she will be able to eat regular foods and be medicine and seizure free for the rest of her LIFE. Sounds too good to be true, but it is not unheard of or atypical. The success rate of this diet is incredible. Even if it just decreases her seizures by 50%, we can take her off the medicines so her quality of life is higher.
Also, she is young enough that she won't sneak off to the pantry and eat a cookie or take candy from a friend. We will be in complete control. There's also a special made formula for the diet called Keto-Cal. Since Jordyn has not fully mastered the art of chewing-and-swallowing, we will keep her on this formula for a good year or so.
Jordyn is scheduled to start the diet at Brackenridge Children's Hospital on September 11th. She will stay a few days so they can moniter her levels and make sure she doesn't get dehydrated. They used to have to starve the kids first, to get their Ketones up and running, but they do NOT do that anymore at this hospital. Jordyn will ease into the high fatty stuff for an easier, less invasive transition.
It will take about a month after we start the diet to fine-tune everything to make sure her intake of the foods is comparible to her level of activity and weight. We hope that by mid October, we will be pretty comfortable with the change, and that her seizures will be decreased (or stopped!)
We are so optimistic about this new venture, but as always, we are "Preparing for the worst, but hoping for the best"
Visit the link above to read a little more about this diet. I have a few more links below:
Matthew's Friends:
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Jammin' For Jordyn
The performers included Steve Trevino (featured on Comedy Central's Mind of Mencia), Eddie Ojeda (Twisted Sister's lead guitarist), comedian/rapper Chingo Bling, and of course, John's band Sonido Azul (comprised of Grammy award-winners from The Chris Perez Band). The event was MC'd by C101's Rex Gabriel.
John will try to put together an Austin benefit show when everyone isn't on national tours. I'll keep you posted!
Info table, with "Jordyn's Dreams" donation box, made by Kristen's dad
Kristen and Steve Trevino
John drumming
Eddie Ojeda and band, rocking out
John and Steve Trevino
Corpus Christi Caller Times newspaper full length article about the Benefit