Jordyn turns two on June 16th! Time has certainly flown by the last 8 months, since we started her on Depakene seizure medication, along with her usual Phenobarb and Zonegran cocktail. The only seizure bouts she has are the easily-explained ones, like when she's sick. She had a few days of minor spasms a few weeks ago, but it was because she finally outgrew her dose. I just increased it a bit, and faxed a notice to her Neurologist of the change I made to her dosages. He really trusts us and our opinions on what Jordyn takes. SO, she's back to new and smiling all the time and is ready to party-hardy at her birthday party on the 10th! It is a Birthday party for her/Baby shower for me and Joslyn, all in one.
In other family news, I have about 5 more weeks to go until Joslyn is here! She is super healthy and everything looks great with everything. I have had enough ultrasounds and tests done to live out the rest of this stretch in peace. She has the hiccups a few times a day, which at first alarmed me because I thought they were too closely resembled to seizure activity. But, after a weekend of assessing what was going on, and after non-stress tests at the hospital showed no abnormal activity, I realized they were, in fact, hiccups and they were, in fact, completely normal.
John's son Jacob will be visiting us for the entire summer until after Joslyn is born, so we will have a busy house! He's a great kid and will love playing with Jordyn again and being around when his littlest sister is born.
That's about all, I'm glad to say! We are still working on getting a Wheelchair-Accessible van, but for now other things are first on our list of things to think about. I'll tackle that venture again soon.
We love you all- Hope your Memorial Day weekend was fun!
Kristen, John, Jordyn, and Joslyn (due July 6th)