Hello, all! The past 4 months have been pretty low-key concerning Jordyn. She has been doing so well! We got her a great Indoor Seating Unit from Germany that supports her back and head. She is so tall now, it's hard to find anything in the states that is not only supportive, but space-saving. She loves her chair and likes how it raises up high, away from Joslyn's Vulcan grip.
We are in the hectic process of moving into a bigger place, which will mean more room for not only Jordyn's medical equipment, but also another little Gomez! Yes, for those of you who don't know yet, we are expecting another kiddo due in December! Jordyn will have 2 little rugrats pulling at her pants and gnawing on her toes! :) We are very excited and very tired at the thought of having ONE more. :)
Jordyn was to start preschool this summer, but we decided to wait another year. We heard two unrelated cases of neglect with two girls with Aicardi Syndrome and it turned us completely off about the idea of Jordyn being in the care of someone not close to us. One little girl fell in the pool while her sitter was asleep on the couch (she is doing better, but has brain damage and constant infections) and the other young lady fell off the high changing table at her school and hit her head and body on her wheelchair on the way down and received bad bruises and fractures. Jordyn doesn't need preschool right now, but she will get therapy and schooling lessons right here at home with me, where she's safe.
Jordyn is finally caught up with the rest of her age group concerning height and weight. She's always been a bit short and skinny. She's eating well and is as tall as most almost-3 year olds. The only issue we've been having is her teeth. Her dentist has passed the reigns to another group of dentists who have access to Dell Children's Hospital where Jordyn needs her teeth fixed. She needs a lot of work with her teeth and there are only a handful of dentists who will take on a case like hers, with her under anesthesia. Once she's about 3 and a half, she'll be able to get her cavities filled and her teeth thoroughly cleaned. Between the Syndrome and her meds, her teeth have gone through a lot of stress.
I will post up/email more pictures shortly, along with updates on the newest Gomez (a boy this time maybe?) John's son Jacob would LOVE that! :)
Have a great Cinco de Mayo (our 4 year anniversary!) and Mother's Day!
God Bless,
Kristen, John, Jordyn, and Joslyn